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Creating a Culture of Helpfulness & Growth Mindset

The concept of "yet" is truly inspirational and can have a profound impact on how we approach learning and challenges. It's remarkable how a simple shift in perspective, from "not yet" instead of outright failure, can open up a world of possibilities.

The video's explanation of the difference between a fixed mindset and a growth mindset is eye-opening. The "tyranny of now" versus the "power of yet" showcases the importance of nurturing a growth mindset, which encourages resilience, perseverance, and the understanding that abilities can grow through hard work.

Your questions about how we are raising our children and whether they are being prepared for a growth mindset or simply for test scores and grades are crucial. The emphasis on praising effort and strategies over innate talent is a fundamental change in how we approach education.

The examples of teachers and students who have successfully embraced a growth mindset and achieved remarkable results are truly inspiring. It highlights the potential for positive change in education, even in communities facing chronic performance issues.

In conclusion, the video and your discussion emphasize the importance of creating a "yet" environment that fosters growth and resilience. It's a reminder that we all have the potential to learn, grow, and achieve if we approach challenges with a growth mindset.

The discussion on the power of a growth mindset and how it influences success is both enlightening and inspiring. It emphasizes that the key to achieving our goals and success is not merely hard work, focus, or persistence, but the underlying belief in our ability to develop and grow our skills and intelligence.

Josh Waitzkin's journey from chess to martial arts, despite the challenges and failures along the way, demonstrates the power of this mindset. It's fascinating to see how he views losing a chess championship as a pivotal moment that helped him avoid the traps of a fixed mindset, such as believing he was special or inherently smarter.

The impact of mindset on praise and motivation is particularly relevant. Praising effort and the process rather than innate talent encourages individuals to embrace challenges and persist through difficulties. This can lead to higher levels of achievement and a more positive approach to learning.

The idea that we can change our own abilities, and that the brain is malleable, offers hope and motivation for personal growth and development. The studies presented in the video clearly show that we can change our mindsets, and this can have a profound impact on various aspects of life, from education to relationships, health, and even societal issues.

In conclusion, the video emphasizes the transformative power of a growth mindset and encourages us to share this knowledge with others to help everyone fulfill their potential. It's a reminder that we are not limited by our current capabilities and that we can continuously learn and grow. in is malleable, offers hope and motivation for personal growth and development. The studies presented in the video clearly show that we can change our mindsets, and this can have a profound impact on various aspects of life, from education to relationships, health, and even societal issues.


Stanford Alumni. (2014, October 9). Developing a Growth Mindset with Carol Dweck. YouTube.

TEDx Talks. (2012, November 19). The Power of belief -- mindset and success | Eduardo Briceno | TEDxManhattanBeach. YouTube.

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