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Why use an ePortfolio

E-portfolios serve as powerful tools for deeper learning, transforming the way we engage with education. They shift the focus from passive learning to active participation and presentation, much like the childhood practice of Show and Tell. E-portfolios are an extension of this transformative practice, offering a broader audience and the opportunity to create a lasting record.

What makes e-portfolios effective is their ability to foster active and deeper learning by encouraging meaningful connections, higher-order thinking processes, and creative expression. Ownership is a crucial aspect, allowing learners to make choices in the creation process and find their unique voice. E-portfolios become a canvas of opportunity, connecting individuals with their learning communities.

One key piece of advice in the video is not just telling learners how to create e-portfolios but sharing why they are important and how they can be an investment in oneself. It's about leading by example and showing the value of e-portfolios through personal experience. When learners see how e-portfolios can benefit them, they are more likely to embrace this practice.

The ultimate message is that starting with an e-portfolio is not about perfection. It's about taking that initial step, experimenting, and gradually building a digital identity and a platform to connect with others. E-portfolios are dynamic, evolving resources that empower individuals to find their voice and make meaningful contributions to their communities. In today's digital age, these portfolios are a 21st-century lifeline for sharing, connecting, and growing.

So, let's not just tell learners about e-portfolios. Let's show them the why and inspire them to embark on their own e-portfolio journey. It's a tool for personal growth, professional development, and expanding one's voice and reach beyond physical boundaries. Start now, and let your e-portfolio be your canvas of opportunity—yours to shape, share, and grow as you discover your purpose and passion in this information age.


Harapnuik, D. (2023). Why Use an ePortfolio.

Harapnuik, D. (2020). YouTube. Retrieved October 29, 2023, from

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